The Vatican

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica dome

The mosaics surrounded the walkway, with a high chain link fence, presumably to prevent people from trying to test God's love of them by flinging themselves off the edge. I presume it's mosaics all the way up... it is as far as I can tell.

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica dome

Closing in on the mosaics, to give a sense of detail...

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica dome

From this distance you can start to see the individual tiles. The eyes were about eye level, to give you a sense of scale.

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica dome

Lower right corner from the next mosaic down the line (the center mosaic in the picture before). The richness of the color finally comes through when you get this close.

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica, view of altar from dome

Looking down onto the main altar. Note the impressive stonework along the doorways.

Vatican, Saint Peter's basilica view of altar from dome

A closer look at the main altar. Here some people have kindly wandered into the shot to provide a sense of scale. Note the unbelievable stonework along the floors. This was undoubtably nicked from one of the Forums, or perhaps a Roman temple.

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