Electric Sheep

Ace's Electric Sheep Archive: The All Seeing I to Ten Thousand Chambered Heart
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For those of you who want to get hooked like crack join in the fun, I've written How To Make a Sheep and posted it on the Electric Sheep wiki.

I generally name my sheep. There's no real reason for it, other than I enjoy it, and it's much easier to remember which sheep is Rose than which one is old1986xApo93175-1-12-3, which is something of the naming system I use internally, to keep track of how a particular sheep was made.

All Seeing I fractal
The All Seeing I
This is the first sheep that I uploaded to the new server. A wide-open eye gazes upward, drinking in all that is around... but nonetheless the field of view is restricted. We can never escape our own perception.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Subatomic Clock fractal
Subatomic Clock
One of the gears type of fractals, like the inner workings of a strange and largely unpredicatable clock.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Solar Wind Instruments fractal
Solar Wiind Instruments
For a week or so, this fractal was all-time most popular sheep on the new server, with a popularity of 23. It was quickly overtaken by one of its lambs, 3192 (below), with a popularity of 24. Currently, these two sheep hold 3rd and 4th place. 3428 and 3706 are good grand-sheep.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 3189, 3192,
and 3280, 3190 (not shown)
Gaja fractal
Gaja is elephant in Hindi. The last edge connects to one of the children of Solar Wind Instruments.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 3189
Odysseus and Charybdis fractal
Odysseus and Charybdis
Charybdis is the legendary whirlpool of Greek mythology. Odysseus chose to brave the sirens rather than risk Charybdis.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Dande's Buddha fractal
Dante's Buddha
This sheep is the result of crossing Shiva's Third Eye with Dante's Blue Hell (see sheep2 and sheep3). The result is a much softer and more peaceful image than the original Dante. Perhaps it reflects what would have happened if Dante had discovered Buddhism (which, incidentally, shares some ancestry with Hinduism). The last edge connects to Salt of Magnus, the second-to-last edge goes to Persistance of Saraswati. The third-to-last edge connects to lamb 3619.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 3874, 3708,
and 3619, 4349, 10289(not shown), 3877 (not shown and no avi)
Messier Wings fractal
Messier Wings
M is for Messier, as in M1 (the Crab Nebula), M45 (the Pleiades), or M31 (the Andromeda galaxy). Way back in the 1700's, Charles Messier catalogued the positions and drew pictures of around 100 nebulae. We now know that some of these nebulae were actually star clusters and galaxies as well as nebulae, but many are still known by their Messier designation.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 5000
Salt of Magnus fractal
Salt of Magnus
The Salt of Magnus is a metal salt of ammonia and platinum. It is a deep green color.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Persistance of Saraswati fractal
Persistance of Saraswati
According to the Wisdom of the Internet, Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of memory. This fragmented child of Gaja reminds me of Dali's Disintigration of the Persistance of Memory
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
helix seduction fractal
Helix Seduction
We are much of what we are in order to attract the opposite sex. The importance of this in shaping evolution should not be underestimated.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 3657
Arachne fractal
Cobweb threads floating around spinning globes. Normally I don't include grand-sheep, but 6315 made a very nice edge with 5936, making it worth archiving.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Children: 3953, 9175, 5936
(not shown)
The Color Of... fractal
The Color Of...
The last edge connects to Carnot Engine.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Ten Thousand Chambered Heart fractal
Ten Thousand Chambered Heart
In ancient Chinese, the number ten thousand is synonymous with infinite. Think of the Tao Te Ching: Nameless the origin of Heaven and Earth/Named, the mother of ten thousand things. Birds, mammals, and (at least late) dinosaurs have four-chambered hearts.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
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All Electric Sheep are copyrighted with an Attribution Creative Commons license. The cover art belongs to Chris and Gaia Consort. All still images and other stuff are under my copyright:

Data not included!

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