Electric Sheep

Ace's Electric Sheep Archive: Newest sheep! Nike to Magnesium Blizzard

Other archive pages:
Oldest sheep: Rose to Chris's Green Fractal
Chris's Green Fractal to Dante's Blue Hell
Spun Glass to Blue Tiger
Architecht's Snowflake to Karale
The All Seeing I to Ten Thousand Chambered Heart
RavenChild to Carnot Engine
Solar Flare to Fire in the Twilight
Widow Legs to Azathoth's Pipers
Iron Sulfur to Magnesium Blizzard

For those of you who want to get hooked like crack join in the fun, I've written How To Make a Sheep and posted it on the Electric Sheep wiki.

I generally name my sheep. There's no real reason for it, other than I enjoy it, and it's much easier to remember which sheep is Rose than which one is old1986xApo93175-1-12-3.

Sea bones

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Earth from space

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Making the connection

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 11354, 11571, and 11497,12295,12296, 12301(not shown)
7 arm star
The last edge goes to lamb 11229, the second-to-last edge goes to lamb 11380.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 11472, 11578, and 11454(not shown)
Stars over fire

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Rose for Chris
Chris has a thing for those art-deco geometric roses. The last edge goes to 11212 and is well worth a look.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 11489, 12298, and 11472(also a child of 11310), 11584(not shown)
Just like a daisy
And that was the secret of life? A daisy?
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Spider vision
The last edge goes from 10966.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Lonely quarks
At the beginning of the universe, quarks were not paired, but instead existed in a highly energetic soup called quark-gluon plasma.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
I Became the Tiger

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 11380
Cheshire Tabby

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 11217
Inside-out marble
What if we flipped it around, so the center was mostly empty and everything else was color?
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 11229
Auditory Djinn

sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Today Reality
Inspired by a visit to Story People
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Hydra Luciferin
Luciferin is the name of the chemical which makes bioluminescent animals glow. From the Latin lucifer, meaning light-bringer. Hydra are tiny water animals which, under the microscope, do look a lot like their mythological namesake.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Child: 10811
Back to main page

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