Electric Sheep

Ace's Electric Sheep Archive: RavenChild to Carnot Engine
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For those of you who want to get hooked like crack join in the fun, I've written How To Make a Sheep and posted it on the Electric Sheep wiki.

These are still among the early sheep to be uploaded to the 2.7 server. The server is not yet rendering at full resolution, thus I'm saving my best sheep to upload later.

Then there's this fractal. I don't know that I will ever upload it as a sheep, but I really like it as a still shot. I also can't quite make up my mind which colors I like best; I have several favorites. In any case, since it is a child of the Ravens fractal, I think it is only appropriate that this one is named RavenChild.

I generally name my sheep. There's no real reason for it, other than I enjoy it, and it's much easier to remember which sheep is Rose than which one is old1986xApo93175-1-12-3, which is something of the naming system I use internally, to keep track of how a particular sheep was made.

Yin, Yang, and... fractal
Yin, Yang, and...
Some things are more complicated.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Seascape fractal
The first edge connects to Purple Triptych.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 8708
Purple Triptych fractal
Purple Triptych
A triptych is an art style of 3 separate pieces that belong together.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 5849
Dandilion Cubed fractal
Dandilion Cubed
A child of Green Dandilion (see ). Tends to make very cool edges.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Septagram fractal
A septagram is a seven-pointed star.
The first edge goes between this image and the child of its sibling, 4851.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Sirens in the Oscilloscope fractal
Sirens in the Oscilloscope
I was thinking of the Sirens of mythology. I expect the everyday kind of sirens wouldn't have the same draw.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Dervish for Shiva fractal
Dervish for Shiva
Dervish is an ascetic branch of the Sufi Muslim religion, known for their whirling dance, but also for their devotion to helping the poor. The fractal is a child of Shiva's Third Eye (see sheep2). The last edge is a lovely transition between this fractal and Oil on Snow.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Victorian Hypnotist fractal
Victorian Hypnotist
You are getting sleepy...
The last edge goes between this image and 4851, its child.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 4851, a child of this fractal and Kilt Unravelled (below)
Linear Cradle fractal
Oil on Snow
The last edge links to lamb 4299, a child of Through the Machine
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 5285
Linear Cradle fractal
Linear Cradle
Another child of Cat's Cradle.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 4863
Royal Astrolabe fractal
Royal Astrolabe
An astrolabe is one of those lovely models of the stars and planets moving around the Earth. They are essentially mechanical calculators, capable of calculating positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Koi with Earrings fractal
Koi with Earrings
Never mind that koi don't have external ears.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Kilt Unravelled fractal
Kilt Unravelled
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 4762, 4866,and 4601, 4861 (not shown). 4762 has 4299 as its other parent, a child of Through the Machine. 4851 (above) is also a child of this fractal, but is listed under its other parent.
Kilt fractal
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 4611
Fourty Acanthus fractal
Fourty Acanthus
A child of Fourty Lashes with a Fish (see sheep2)
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Through the Machine fractal
Through the Machine
The last edge joins Time Stopped.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Child: 4299, and a nifty edge between it and one of its children.
Color out of Space fractal
Color out of Space
Named for the most alien of Lovecraft's many aliens. He has said that this is the only one of his imagined aliens that he is proud of. The last edge connects to lamb 3953.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Gravity Flux fractal
Gravity Flux
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 6191
Pleiades fractal
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Time Stopped fractal
Time Stopped
This one currently holds 2nd place on the server, with a popularity of 28. The last edge connects to Pleiades. The second-to-last edge connects to lamb 4182.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 4182, 4298,
and 4014, 4302, 4464, 4474 (not shown)... and an edge between 4464 and one of the children of 4299.
Carnot Engine fractal
Carnot Engine
Carnot proposed a design for an engine. It turned out to be overly simplistic, but is still used today to model an ideal engine.
sheep avi
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Child: 3818
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All Electric Sheep are copyrighted with an Attribution Creative Commons license. All still images and other stuff are under my copyright:

Data not included!

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