Photos from Den Haag III

mushroom cluster

A lovely, tiny mushroom family. The largest of these was about 2cm tall.

I'm not usually a big fan of specimen shots, but this little lavender mushroom lined up nicely with the background. The central mushroom is about 4cm tall; obviously, it's companion to the left is very small indeed!

macrolepiota procera

I think this is a Macrolepiota procera. It looked pretty much like a Macrolepiota rachoides but was much bigger than any rachoides I've ever seen.

macrolepiota procera veil

I really like the veils on these guys, too. Note the shaggy stipe - also typical of M. procera.

macrolepiota procera veil

A slightly different angle on the veil, showing that it is a double ring. I also really like how the back lighting highlights the veil reminants on the margin. Perhaps one of these days I'll fix the sun spot.

macrolepiota procera

Mushroom hunting is not an entirely serious undertaking.

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